Friday 23 December 2011

Paint your Wagon, Blazing Saddles, Stage Fright and Way out West.

I have to confess until recently the western was not one of my favourite film genres, but, after watching John Wayne, Rock Hudson and others in westerns I have changed my mind. Westerns do not have to be all cowboys and indians they can be funny too.

The plot for Paint your Wagon (1969) is a travelling Mormon with 2 wives decides to get rid of the troublesome one when he passes through a male only camp. Lee Marvin is Ben Rumson who shares a gold claim and cabin with his friend Pardner played by Clint Eastwood. During the course of the film Elizabeth (the bought wife) confesses to loving both men. I really like this film except for the scene with Clint Eastwood singing in the woods which is embarrassing, I know you should not stereotype but I am used to the tough guy; man of few words in a poncho not a pink smocked shirt!

 I have never watched a Laurel and Hardy film but seen lots of their clips including the famous Way out West dance scene (1937).

I am always on the lookout in the TV guide for one of their films even in the early hours, until then these gentlemen will continue to hold my living room door open for me.

I own two Alfred Hitchcock box sets, one of which contains the murder mystery Stage Fright (1950) starring Marlene Dietrich and the wonderful Jane Wyman. Miss Dietrich's character Charlotte Inwood does a rendition of 'I'm the Laziest Gal in Town' on a chaise lounge in a thin one gown. This was the influence for Lili Von Shtupp in Blazing Saddles (1974) played by Madeleine Kahn, She is in black, her song is called 'I'm tired' and it is hilarious!