Tuesday 6 December 2011

Jane Russell, her Lambeth baby boy and Gentlemen prefer Blondes.

Since childhood my father (a lifelong Guinness drinker) would tell me that he had an Irish drinking buddy in the 50s/60s who was the father of Jane Russell's adopted son. As a child my response was Jane Who? later in my teen years it was 'Yes, al-right dad I believe you'. Well decades later if I could I would apologise to my Dad because he had been telling the truth.

Jane Russell's adoption of a local boy caused a hue and cry in the London Borough of Lambeth. Member of Parliament Mr. Marcus Lipton raised the issue during members question time as British Law did not allow foreigners to adopt British children.

The pub where the boy's father and my dad drank was located in Brixton and called The Queen. It was demolished recently and a block of flats built but the name remains.

My collection of vintage dress making patterns include a 'Gay Girl' blouse modelled by Miss Russell. The cut is a classic style from the 50s/60s and I love it!

I have a Marilyn Monroe box set (bought from Sainsbury's supermarket) which includes 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes' (1953). The film has some great fashions; wiggle dresses and evening gowns, but for me it is this wonderful swing jacket/coat worn by Miss Russell that even I'd wear.

Each time I watch the film I shake my head in disbelief at the following scene, how did they get those shorts past the censors?