Tuesday 17 January 2012

Child Actors; Jackie Coogan, The Kid and Richard Eyer, The Genie.

Years ago whilst watching Superman the Movie (1978) with a friend he commented that the actor playing the Daily Planet editor Perry White was the child actor from Charlie Chaplin's The Kid (1921). He was wrong, that actor is Jackie Cooper, the Kid was played by Jackie Coogan.

It is estimated that during his acting career Coogan earning up to 4 million dollars. His parents spent the money on a luxury lifestyle; fur coats, jewellery and expensive vehicles. In 1938 Master Coogan sued his parents but most of the money had gone, however his legal action became known as Coogan's Bill or Coogan's Act.

Thanks to Coogan's action 15% of a child entertainer earnings should be put aside in a trust to prevent this happening again.

Last week I saw the western Canyon River (1956) for the first time and looking closely at the boy playing a widow's son thought 'there's that kid again'! That kid is Richard Eyer born in 1945, his must successful role was the genie in The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958). Eyer appeared in many TV shows and films however Sinbad was his last big screen role. When I looked on web sites many of his earlier films are not mentioned but if you watch as many old films as I do he can be spotted again and again. Eyer had freckles, auburn curly hair and a normal chubby appearance compared to some child actors today who are made to look like miniature adults.