Sunday 6 November 2011

Outer space, Capricorn One and Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Almost all adults can name where they were for an important event. For me it was Mr Obama winning the election, unfortunately I was asleep or Princess Diana's death, again I was in bed asleep! So it is no surprise that the US moon landing in 1969 is an important historical event; except I don't believe it ever happened.

In 1977 a film was released called Capricorn One. I remember seeing a cardboard cut out of an astronaut advertising the film in Selfridges department store. I was attending secondary school so at the weekend went to see the film at our local fleapit. At long last here was an explaination for how they could have done it, because of the great plot and Telly Salvalas' excellent acting in a cameo role as a grumpy crop duster this has remained one of my favourite films.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind was also released in 1977 and again is one of my favourite films. Unlike the moon landing I do believe in the possiblity of aliens (Sylvester Stallone and his mum? surely, come on!). I am not sure if I have spotted a movie mistake at the end of the film. When the people in red boiler suits are lining up to board the space craft the white haired lady is in front of the black guy but when the camera turns a different angle she has swapped places and is behind him. Well I don't blame her, I would want to be last on before the door closes too, the first glimpse of aliens doing any human probbing and I would turn on my heels and get the hell out of there!

(This clip is 30 minutes long but the 'mistake' is 23.30 to 23.50 mins in, so just fast forward).