Monday 12 August 2013

Whatever happened to Baby Jane? Film 4 summer screening at Somerset House.

I have seen only a few black and white films on the big screen and this is the biggest screen you could get; Projected on one of the four building within the courtyard of Somerset House by Waterloo Bridge.

Arriving at around 7 pm I managed to secure a place right in front about half way down the cobbled courtyard. The spaces were already filling up so I was not surprised when at about 8.50pm, minutes before the film was due to start, late comers were walking round and round trying to spot a gap.

Whatever happened to Baby Jane (1962) is often referred to as a camp classic as well as black comedy and horror. There are now some unintentionally funny moments; when Jane (Bette Davis) tells the maid Elvira (Maidie Norman) "see you next Tuesday" everyone including me, laughed. Jane stomping around the house in her slippers with a glass of Johnny Walker in her hand for breakfast is hysterical, but there are still scenes which hold your breath, what Jane does to Elvira after handing over the keys to Blanche's (Joan Crawford) locked bedroom makes you lift your hand over your eyes.

The film was nominated for 5 Academy Awards but won only one for Best Costume Design, Black and White. Baby Jane's lace dress, over sized hair bow and powdered face is a favourite with female impersonators, which explains the film's camp classic tag.

Still of Bette Davis and Victor Buono in What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?

I recently found the above dress in a vintage charity shop and am selling it in my EBay shop Balconygirl13 as a Halloween costume party dress; Whatever happened to Baby Jane was released on October 31st.